j a c q u e l i n e.   v a n   o o s t r o m.

                                        a r t.

                                p o p

Gut Groan and Anguish of the Clown and the Ever Watching Eye by Jacqueline van Oostrom
Red Star Man and the Ever Watching Eye by Jacqueline van Oostrom
Red Star Fish and the Ever Watching Eye by Jacqueline van Oostrom

      a b s t r a c t i o n.   o f   t h e
            s u r r e a l
      h u m a n   e x p e r i e n c e.

a b s t r a c t i o n
    o f   t h e
s u r r e a l   h u m a n   e x p e r i e n c e

Red Fire Fury and the Orange Totem Man c2020OTWR - ART by Jacqueline van Oostrom

r a d i a n t   v i b r a n c e
    o f   t h e
p s y c h e d e l i c
   w i l d
   p o p
g a l l e r y
   o f
       s u r r e a l
   a b s t r a c t i o n
       a n d
v i b r a n t
j u x t a p o s i t i o n
       o n e
l o v e

Red Fire Fury and the Orange Totem Man c2020OTWR - ART by Jacqueline van Oostrom

A R T.                            b y
j a c q u e l i n e   v a n   o o s t r o m

Weeping Woman with the Red Lipstick c2020ROTWGS - ART by Jacqueline van Oostrom

a b s t r a c t.
    c o n t e m p o r a r y.
    m o d e r n.

Man with the Talking Mouth c2020OTWR - ART by Jacqueline van Oostrom

p s y c h e d e l i c.
    e x p r e s s i o n i s t.
    a r t.

Happy Blind Woman with Hair Flowing in the Wind c2020OTWR - ART by Jacqueline van Oostrom

        p o p.
    e x p r e s s i o n i s m.

j a c q u e l i n e   v a n   o o s t r o m

    c o n t e m p o r a r y.     a r t.

Pink Cat Drools c2020OTWR - ART by Jacqueline van Oostrom

a b s t r a c t i o n
o f   t h e
s u r r e a l   h u m a n   e x p e r i e n c e

j a c q u e l i n e   v a n   o o s t r o m

p s y c h e d e l i c   p o p     a r t

Weeping Woman with the Red Lipstick c2020OTWR - ART by Jacqueline van Oostrom

my art is available from


fine art america


and redbubble

Flat Diva with the Red Lipstick c2020OTWR - ART by Jacqueline van Oostrom

j a c q u e l i n e   v a n   o o s t r o m

c o n t e m p o r a r y     a r t

a b s t r a c t i o n
o f   t h e
s u r r e a l   h u m a n   e x p e r i e n c e

Red Eagle c2020OTWR - ART by Jacqueline van Oostrom

m o d e r n     a r t

Triangle Soul c2020OTWR - ART by Jacqueline van Oostrom

j a c q u e l i n e   v a n   o o s t r o m

c o n t e m p o r a r y     a r t

Melodrama and the Mask c2020OTWR - ART by Jacqueline van Oostrom

art by jacqueline van oostrom

a premium experience

Projectile Vomit of the Observer c2020OTWR - ART by Jacqueline van Oostrom


Salamander in Sunglasses Climbs Out of the Shadows c2020OTWR - ART by Jacqueline van Oostrom


Totem Red Man and the Bird with the White Beak c2020OTWR - ART by Jacqueline van Oostrom


Totem Red Man and the Vulture c2020OTWR - ART by Jacqueline van Oostrom


Weeping Woman with the Red Lipstick c2020OTWR - ART by Jacqueline van Oostrom


Scarecrow Boogie c2020EYE - ART by Jacqueline van Oostrom


Scarecrow Boogie c2020EYE - ART by Jacqueline van Oostrom


Ever Watching Eye Screams at the World c2020WG - premium psychedelic pop art by jacqueline van oostrom


Diva with the Orange Lipstick c2020WG - premium psychedelic pop art by jacqueline van oostrom


Melodrama and the Mask c2020WG - premium psychedelic pop art by jacqueline van oostrom


Salamander in Sunglasses Climbs Out of the Shadows c2020WG - premium psychedelic pop art by jacqueline van oostrom


Staggering Man c2020WG - premium psychedelic pop art by jacqueline van oostrom


Scarecrow Boogie c2020WG - premium psychedelic pop art by jacqueline van oostrom


Green Man Boogie c2020WG - pop art by jacqueline van oostrom


Floating Orange Scarecrow Head in the Hat c2020WG - pop art by jacqueline van oostrom

Ever Watching Eye of the Red Bird c2020WG - pop art by jacqueline van oostrom

art by jacqueline van oostrom

premium psychedelic pop art

mid century modern

abstraction of the surreal human experience

pop surrealism and neoexpressionism

welcome to my universe of art

raw      primal

fantastical      experiential


bright      vivid





























jacqueline van oostrom's artwerk collection

get the original experience

Art by Jacqueline van Oostrom.

Abstraction of the surreal human experience.

Art by Jacqueline van Oostrom.

An exploration of the interaction of and the relationship between the surreal and the abstract.

Art by Jacqueline van Oostrom.

An existential odyssey from the depths of the abyss to the upper limits of the stratosphere.

Art by Jacqueline van Oostrom.

Welcome to my neo surreal world.




giclee canvas
hd metal
brush metal
picture frames
wood prints
puzzle prints

Art by Jacqueline van Oostrom.

Pop Art.      Neo Expressionism.

Abstract Art.

Abstraction of the surreal human experience.

An exploration of the interaction of and the relationship between the surreal and the abstract.

An existential odyssey from the depths of the abyss to the upper limits of the stratosphere.

Welcome to my neo surreal world.

All images Copyright © 2004 - 2022 Jacqueline van Oostrom. All rights reserved.
Copying and/or distributing these images without my permission is strictly prohibited.